The Documents of Vatican II state that the purpose of Catholic Education is the “formation of the human person in the pursuit of his ultimate end and of the societies of which as man, he is a member, and in whose obligations as an adult he will share.” The philosophy of St. Francis Xavier School is deeply rooted in the command of Jesus to love God, our Creator, and to love our neighbor, God’s creatures.
Education is a life-long process, which involves the total development of the person: spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially. Our purpose for the existence of our Catholic School is that of Christian Education:
“that, as the baptized person is gradually introduced into a knowledge of the mystery of salvation, he may grow daily more conscious of the gift of faith which he has received; that he may learn to adore God the Father in spirit and in truth (cf. Jn. 4:23), especially through liturgical worship; that he may be trained to conduct his person life in righteousness and in the sanctity of truth, according to his new standard of manhood (Ephs. 4:22-24)…Aware of his calling, he should grow accustomed to giving witness to the hope that is in him (1 Pet. 3-15), and to promoting that Christian transformation of the world by which natural values, viewed in the full perspective of humanity as redeemed by Christ, may contribute to the good of society as a whole.”
(The Documents of Vatican II: “The Declaration on Christian Education”)
Education exists for each individual, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin or social status. Each individual shall have the opportunity to develop his best self up to his/her optimum potential within the resources of our school. This type of education will be developed through a Christian framework.
“The school sets up a kind of center whose operation and progress deserve
to engage the joint participation of families, teachers, various kinds of cultural, civic
and religious groups, civil society, and the entire human community.”
(The Declaration on Christian Education” #5)
Therefore, the goals of the educational program of St. Francis Xavier School are:
To develop knowledge and experience of our Christian Religion so that the children grow spiritually.
To provide opportunities for the children to see that their ability to act, to imagine, to know, love, create, judge, and to be free is theirs, because they are the image of God and have this dignity of one redeemed by Jesus and that they become aware of this dignity in others.
To integrate Christian philosophy with the educational standards of the State of Ohio and the Diocese of Toledo.
4. To keep pace with educational growth and change.
To provide for individual differences, continuous progress, and the development of positive self-images and thus eliminating grade barriers that kill self-image and success.
To develop a social sense, enabling the child to be concerned for the fellow person.
To provide opportunities for students to discover their interests and capacities and thus aid them in making suitable vocational choices.
To enable the student to become aware of his dignity as an individual through pupil-teacher interaction.
To develop a Faith Community among faculty members especially by sharing and meeting to exchange ideas, visions and concerns.
To extend this Faith Community to children, parents, and the parishioners.
It is to these goals that the Staff of St. Francis Xavier School dedicate their work and efforts.
Non-Discrimination Policy
“St. Francis Xavier School recruits and admits students of any race, color, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities. In addition, the school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, scholarships/loans/fee waivers/educational programs and athletics/extracurricular activities. In addition, the school is not intended to be an alternative to court or administrative agency ordered, or public school district initiated, desegregation.”
All families must meet with the principal before enrollment. Children of any race or religion are welcome to attend St. Francis Xavier School. They are expected, however, to participate in the religious activities and classes.
Children must adequately complete a Kindergarten screening test to enter Kindergarten.
Health records must be on file and in accordance with the standards set forth in the Ohio State Law. Each child must have the following minimum number of immunizations:
- 5 doses of DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertusis)
4 doses Oral Polio Vaccine
2 doses of MMR
3 doses of Hepatitis B
2 doses of Varicella Vaccine (chicken pox)
Registration Policy
Registration will take place in early spring of each year.Dates will be announced in the bulletin and through communications from the school to parents of school children.
Registration will take place in this manner:
Parents will also be asked to register their children. Children will be placed on a list according to the following priorities.
Priority I:
Families with a child or children currently enrolled in the school.
St. Francis Xavier Parish families registering for the first time who have shown active participation in the life of the school and parish.This means they have a record of good stewardship through sharing time, talent, and treasure in the parish.They should be involved in a parish organization, ministry, or committee for at least a year prior to registration time; they should attend Mass on a regular basis; they should show support for the parish through their monetary contributions.
Families of St. Francis Xavier faculty and staff.
Priority II:
All other St. Francis Xavier registered Parish members.
Priority III:
All members of the community at large who would like their children to attend St. Francis Xavier School.
$75 registration fee must be made at time of registration.
FAILURE TO PAY TUITION: Parents are asked to take tuition as a serious moral obligation.If they cannot pay tuition for some extenuating circumstance, they are to contact Father or the Principal.Necessary adjustments may be made in these circumstances.
Father and the Principal will review tuition payments on a quarterly basis. Contact will be made with those who have not met their payments. Should the tuition payment be left unfulfilled at the end of the school year and no communication or reason received from the parents, the parents will be notified that their children’s admittance into school for the following year is in jeopardy.
SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES:Should a child be promoted from the Sixth grade with a younger child in the family not yet eligible in age to enter school, that child will be given the same registration status as families who already have students enrolled in school.
These conditions are to be the norm. Only in rare circumstances, through consultation with the Pastor, Principal, teacher and family involved, may they be changed.
No records will be transferred to another school unless all school property has been returned, any and all fees paid and tuition payment must be current. This includes the transfer from 6th grade to 7th grade.
The pastor delegates his authority to the principal of the school in such a way that the entire school is lead by a pastor/principal teamwork.
The principal-minister, under the pastor, is responsible for the total functioning of the school. He/she has a threefold responsibility as religious leader, educational leader and manager of the total school program. The principal-minister serves primarily as one who inspires and guides the staff in the creation of an integrated entity of a faith community within a program of academic excellence.
The staff members of St. Francis Xavier School work together to develop the full potential of each child. All teachers are graduates of accredited universities or colleges and are licensed to teach in the State of Ohio.
School Advisory Council
Diocesan guidelines state that each parish school have a formally constituted advisory group. It is the responsibility of this group to offer counsel to the pastor/principal on matters concerning the school. School Advisory Council members are elected/appointed each spring for a three-year term to represent the school parents in contributing to school decision-making and policy information. They are to serve as the liaison between the school and parish community.
The volunteer program exists for the purpose of helping students receive more directed individual help and for giving members of the community an opportunity to become integral members of St. Francis Xavier School. Volunteers serve in such capacities as listening to children read, working in the library, making learning materials (under the direction of a teacher), helping to supervise lunch/recess, etc. People interested in volunteering can contact a teacher or the principal. All volunteers are subject to a background check.
Religious Education
Christian Message –St. Francis Xavier students receive formal religious instruction four days a week.
Worship – Children will participate in preparing the Eucharistic Liturgy and participate at Mass once each week. We encourage the parents to come and join us on this day. There is also a prayer service on Monday mornings for Grades K – 6.
Daily prayer – is a high priority at St. Francis Xavier School. Each school day begins and ends with the class praying together, along with meal prayers at lunchtime.
Social Concerns – Students join in the Holy Childhood Mission Association to expand their social awareness and to help the poor and starving children of the world through financial support.
Sacramental Preparation – Every religion program should be an extension of the religious training of the home. Therefore, preparation for each of the sacraments includes the participation of the parents. Each sacramental preparation program begins with a parent meeting. At these meetings, the child’s religion class sessions, and the home instructional sessions, the theology of the sacrament is explained. Formal preparation at school is given in Grade 2 for First Penance and First Eucharist. Although these sacraments are formally taught in school at the grade level specified…parents, teacher, and/or pastor may decide it appropriate that a particular child receive a specific sacrament at a later age. For further information, contact the Principal.
It is expected and we presume that parents will bring their children to the weekend celebration of Mass as part of their formation as Christians and Catholics.
Our bishops tell us that “Catholic Schools are to be communities of faith in which the Christian message, the experience of community, worship, and social concern are integrated in the total experience of students, their parents, and members of the faculty.”
Various efforts are made to develop a spirit of caring and concern among the students and staff. Birthdays are recognized and celebrated; the liturgical seasons are celebrated as a school community; holy days of obligations are observed by attending Mass; Catholic Schools Week holds days of special celebration. Parents are welcome to participate and share their talents in any of these community activities.
The school curriculum guidelines, consistent with the State of Ohio guidelines, and the Common Core Standards are followed for the teaching of all secular subject areas.
Academic Programs
State minimum standards are followed in regard to time and curriculum for the entire school. Every child, regardless of grade, is expected to fulfill the time requirements for the academic subjects.
Courses of study include Religion, Math, Integrated Language Arts, Science, Health, Social Studies, Spelling, Music, Art, and Physical Education. The school day is arranged as well as possible for those children who wish to take band or orchestra. Grades 5-6 students may take up instrumental music. Orchestra begins in Grade 5 and lessons are taught by Willard City Schools’ music teachers. Band starts in Grade 6, with lessons being taught by Willard City Schools’ teachers.
Physical Education helps to develop the physical and social growth of our children. Each child needs to be present and participate actively in the program. An excuse from this class must be in writing from the parent and signed by the principal. Repeated absence will be accepted only upon recommendation of a doctor. Tennis shoes must be worn for gym class.
Textbooks are made available for the child’s use and are to be returned at the end of the school year in good condition. All hardback books should be covered with a book cover. Students will be fined if books are lost or abused.
Each class visits the library once a week to select books. The following library rules apply to all:
Quiet is to be observed in the library.
Students should come to the library with the purpose of looking for books.
Books are on loan for one week.There is a limit of 2 books or 1 book and 1 video on loan to a student at any one time.
People who borrow materials from the library are financially responsible for their care and return.
Students should place their library books in the tote in their classroom so that the school librarian can check them in.
Title I
St. Francis Xavier School has Title I services for students to receive assistance in reading.
Intervention Specialist
St. Francis Xavier School has an intervention specialist for students on IEPs.
Academic Tutor
St. Francis Xavier School has an academic tutor available for students who need extra help in any content area. These services are paid by State Auxiliary Funds.
Children who display definite speech, language and/or hearing defects will receive corrective instruction through the speech and hearing therapist funded through State Auxiliary Funds. Each year the children are tested to monitor progress and to establish new goals. Parents will be notified if their child is being considered for speech class.
School Nurse
Nursing Services are arranged with Mercy Willard Hospital each year. The nurse conducts student vision screening, tests hearing, updates health records, conducts scoliosis screening and is a consultant for other diagnostic and informational needs.
Grading and Reporting to Parents
A report card is submitted to students and parents at the close of each quarter. Within a week of grade card distribution, parents are asked to sign and return the report card envelope to school. Parents are encouraged to check their child’s academic progress by visiting Gradebook online. Passwords are provided for each student to protect privacy. Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled after the first grading period is completed and again during the third grading period. Other individual conferences may be requested by parents, teacher, student or principal.
Midterms are submitted to students and parents at the middle of each grading period. Within a week of midterm distribution, parents are asked to sign and return the midterm envelope to school.
Diocesan Testing
MAP tests are given to grades K through 6. Tests are given during the months of September and April of each year. Parents will receive results soon after testing is complete. ACRE testing is given to grade 5 in the spring.
Promotion and Grade Placement
Religion, Integrated Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Spelling shall be the major guides for promotion and grade placement at St. Francis Xavier School. If a student has two (2) failing averages in 2 major subjects they will be considered for possible retention. A child should not repeat more than twice in the first seven grades….K-6. Parents will be notified of impending retention and will be required to appear for a conference. However, the right to retain a student at a certain level is dependent on the school’s judgment and, therefore, the parents’ permission is not required.
Achievement Codes – Effort, Conduct Codes for Grade Cards
A 93 - 100% + Commendable
B 83 - 92% S Satisfactory
C 73 - 82%
D 65 - 72% N Not acceptable, but working to improve.
F 64 or below - Unsatisfactory….Needs Improvement
Change of Address and Telephone
To facilitate keeping our school office records complete and updated we ask that in the event of a change in address, telephone or marital status, you can either call to inform us or have a member of your family relay this in writing. Also, the emergency authorization form must be changed in case of change in guardianship.
School Day and Calendar
St. Francis Xavier School usually follows the school calendar of the Willard City Schools. Any exception will be noted in the yearly calendar sent home at the beginning of the school year and in the regular parent letter. Classes at St. Francis Xavier School begin promptly at 7:30 a.m. and end with dismissal at 2:15 p.m.
Student Arrival and Dismissal
Students arriving before 7:20 a.m. should report to the gym. The principal or a teacher will be on duty to supervise. Children who walk to school or are dropped off should not arrive at school until 7:20 a.m. Parents are asked to drop their students at the door, parents that park their car then walk their student into the building cause confusion in the parking lot. The after school dismissal procedure for pick-up of children is as follows: A single line of cars will form at the south doors (Fr. Nardecchia Hall) of the school and continue out the drive (Perry St. entrance) of the parking lot. All students are to enter cars from the passenger side only! We will load 3-4 cars at a time. Please exit using the south drive (Myrtle Ave.) only. If your child is not ready to enter the car, please park at the south end of the parking lot in the row closest to the playground. Your child should then walk in the grass to get in your car. Please do not park in the middle of the St. Francis parking lot because your child would have to walk in front of moving cars to get to your vehicle. Please do not park in the High school parking lot or in front of the church to pick up your child because it disrupts our dismissal procedure.
School Closing
St. Francis Xavier School will follow the decision of the Willard City Schools concerning school closure for inclement weather. We have put into place ONE CALL NOW which is a phone message service that can deliver messages to all parents and staff from the Superintendent of Willard City Schools. We can add, change or delete phone numbers upon your request.
Alternate Dismissal
The safety of your child is our primary concern; therefore, any student who is going home in a way other than their normal way (e.g. walker/rider rather than bus, going to the library, or an appointment parent picking up) MUST PRESENT A NOTE, FROM THE PARENT, GIVING PERMISSION FOR THIS. If a note is not sent, the child will be sent home via their normal way.
All students must be on time and present every day, except when prevented by illness or other excusable reason. Any absence for illness or injury of the child which exceeds three days absent from school must be certified in writing by a physician or appropriate health professional. Any absence for death of a relative is limited to three days and must be documented in writing by the parent/guardian.
1. Absence and/or tardiness. Parents must call the school office by 9:00 a.m. if a student is not going to be in school that day. (Read following Law on MISSING CHILDREN ACT…became law in Ohio on April 9, 1985.
“In summary the law reads: When the school receives no advance notice of a child’s absence, a designated school employee will notify the student’s parents, custodial parent, guardian or other person responsible for the child of that pupil’s absence from school. A reasonable effort should be made to notify parents by telephone, at home or at work. If telephone contact cannot be made, notice should be given by mail. Section 3313-205, Ohio Revised Code.”
A student who enters the school after 7:31 a.m. but before 8:00 a.m. is considered tardy. Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will be considered ½ day absent. Students absent more than 3 hours and 30 minutes are considered to be absent for a full day.
In the event a child is absent, his/her assignments can be received by telephoning the school office by 9:00 a.m. of the day assignments are to be collected by the family. If desired, assignments will be sent home with another child in the family who is in attendance. Please remember that older students have heavier books and more homework that may be difficult for younger children to carry. Otherwise, assignments can be picked up in the school lobby from 2:30-3:00 p.m.
When a child is sick…they will have one day per day sick to complete and turn in their homework. (For example: if you are sick four days, you have four school days to hand in your work.) Absent students are responsible to make up any work missed during their absence. Failure to complete this work will result in a failing grade for these assignments.
A Personal Convenience Absence Form must be obtained from the school office for anyone who plans to be absent for any reason not recognized by Ohio Law. Included in this area are trips, vacations, and pursuit of a talent or sport activity. The completed form is to be returned to the school office at least ONE WEEK PRIOR to the absence. Arrangements to make up tests must be made by the student by the second day he/she returns to school after a personal convenience absence or an “F” will be recorded for each test. (A copy of Personal Convenience Absence Form is available in the school office.)
The school can assume no responsibility for a drop in grades suffered by a student who is absent due to personal convenience. Teachers may prepare assignments of a very general nature for students who are anticipating a personal convenience absence. It is the responsibility of the parent to inform each teacher of the dates of this personal convenience absence in advance by using the Personal Convenience Absence form.
2. Medical Appointments: Students may miss up to 2 hours for doctor/dentists appointments and will not be charged with an absence. Notes to leave for appointments must be brought to the school office immediately upon arrival to school. A doctor/dentist slip is required when returning to school. If a slip from the doctor/dentist is not presented to the school office, the student will be marked ½ day absent. If the appointment is at the end of the school day, the doctor/dentist slip should be returned the next school day. Parents are encouraged to schedule appointments outside of the school day. If this is not possible, the student should miss only school time for travel and the appointment. It is the student’s responsibility to ask their teacher for missing work and must be turned in when due.
3. Leaving Premises: At no time and under no conditions is a student permitted to leave the school or playground without written permission from the parents. Unauthorized departure from school property is considered a serious breech of conduct and is subject to disciplining. In the event of illness or emergency, the child must go to the office where arrangements will be made.
4. Tardiness: If a child is tardy from school, he/she must report to the office BEFORE going into the classroom.
The procedure for picking up a child from school is:
The authorized adult requests the dismissal of student at the school office and signs the student out.
Office personnel notify the student to leave for the appointment.
If school is in session after the appointment, the student should return to school and sign in at the office with a slip from the doctor/dentist.
Serious Incident, Injury or Illness Policy:
A serious incident, injury, or illness is defined as any situation occurring while a child is in attendance at St. Francis Xavier School, which requires emergency medical treatment, professional consultation or transportation for emergency treatment.
Parents are required by law to complete emergency medical form/health card authorization form for each child, at the beginning of each school year. It is especially important to identify an adult who will assume responsibility for the student in case of illness or emergency and to keep the teacher informed of changes. If a parent cannot be reached in case of a child’s illness, the emergency contact person named on the form will be contacted. This form should be on file for all registered students.
St. Francis Xavier School does not transport children under any circumstances; however, children are transported to the hospital by appropriate medical or public safety personnel, their parent, or an emergency contact person. Children will also be accompanied by a St. Francis Xavier School staff member.
Communicable Diseases
Communicable Disease Policy: Please notify the school if your child will be absent that day. A child displaying the following symptoms will not be permitted to attend school:
• Diarrhea
• Severe coughing causing the child to become red or blue in the face
• Difficult or rapid breathing
• Yellowish skin or eyes
• Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
• Temperature of one hundred degrees Fahrenheit
• Untreated infected skin patches
• Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool
• Stiff neck
• Lice
If any of the above symptoms are detected after a class session has begun, the child will be isolated (yet supervised) until transportation arrangements are made. Parents/guardians will be given immediate verbal notification when their child is exhibiting signs or symptoms of illness or has been exposed to a communicable disease. If a child is exposed to a communicable disease, such as head lice or chicken pox, parents will be notified by written or verbal notification. St. Francis Xavier School maintains a nit free policy in regards to lice. Parents of children with lice will be notified and will be expected to come to school to pick up their children. Children are excluded from school until they are free of all nits. In addition, parents will be notified when lice are present in their child’s classroom. The child will be readmitted to class when symptoms no longer exist or when the child’s physician grants written permission.
If a child has a communicable disease, the return policy will be as follows:
• Chicken Pox: children may return to school after 7 days if crusts are dry.
• Scarlet Fever and Streptococci Sore Throat: children may return after 24 hours if they are under treatment of a physician and have no fever
• Eyes: any child with a reddened or inflamed eye may be excluded until the eye has completely recovered or has a doctor’s statement allowing his/her return.
• Skin: any child with a skin rash or sores such as scabies or impetigo may be excluded until skin is clear or has a doctor’s statement allowing his/her return.
• Head Lice: children with such will be excluded and may return only after disinfestation is complete or with a note from the family doctor assuring that the child is safe to return.
It is diocesan policy to discourage the taking of any medication during the school day. There are, however, some unique circumstances which require the cooperation of physicians, parents, and school personnel in overseeing the administration of prescribed medication to students. This should be done only under written local policy (form is available in the school office). The school shall not routinely administer any non-prescribed (over-the-counter) drugs, medications, preparations, or remedies without the parents’ approval. Responsibility for overseeing the administration on non-prescribed medication rests solely with the parent or legal guardian and the student. It is preferred that parents personally administer medication to their children before or after school, at recess, or over the lunch hour. When a student is so ill that oral medication is temporarily required, parents/guardians should consider keeping the student at home until the need for medication is eliminated. In those special cases where a student needs to take prescribed medication during the regular school day while at school, but a parent cannot personally administer it, a written parent permission slip must be submitted (form is available in the school office). For self-medication using an inhaler, a specific form is required (form is available in the school office).
For all medication, the following rules shall apply:
1. Medication in the same container in which the prescribing physician or pharmacist dispensed the drug is to be brought by a responsible person to the administrator’s office for safe keeping.
2. For each prescribed medication, the container should be labeled with the following information: student’s name, name of physician, date, name and telephone number of pharmacy, name of medication, dosage, frequency, and any special handling and storage directions.
3. At each school, all medications are to be kept in a secure and safe storage unit not accessible to students.
4. The parent or legal guardian is responsible for seeing that the school is supplied with an adequate supply of medication.
5. Any unused medication not claimed by the last day of school each year will be destroyed by school personnel.
6. In the absence of a full-time nurse, responsibility rests with (in this order): the administrator, the assistant principal, the teacher-in-charge, and any other person specified by the principal-minister in his/her absence. The school shall designate the person(s) authorized to administer such medication, with their agreement.
7. It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to instruct the child to report to take the medication at the designated time. Efforts will be made by school personnel to communicate a student’s medication needs to teachers or other appropriate staff members.
8. New request forms must be submitted by the parents each school year and whenever the medication or dosage is changed.
Parents of the children requiring food supplements or modified diets should discuss the child’s needs with the Director/Administrator.
Strict adherence to the above rules is necessary to protect the school; persons(s) designated to administer the medication, and the student.
The goal of Christian discipline is self-discipline and personal responsibility. We recognize that such an aim must be specifically directed. In order to assure maximum teaching and learning experiences as well as growth in good manners, the following regulations are to be observed:
Be punctual for class and be prepared with all assignments and materials.
Be considerate of each individual’s right to learn.
Gum chewing is prohibited in school because careless disposal causes cleaning and repair problems.
No running within the school building.
Restrooms privileges must be respected and good hygiene practiced.
Playground rules must be followed:
-NO snowballs, fighting, squirt guns, sharp or dangerous objects, hard balls (baseballs), tackling games, sitting on top of monkey bars, bicycle riding or skateboarding during school hours or immediately preceding or following school.
-Wear boots, hat, gloves and warm coat to play outside during winter months.
-On the slide, students must sit and slide down immediately after approaching the the top by way of the ladder.
-All students must play outside during noon hour in favorable weather. They are excused only in case of sickness, at which they must present a written parental excuse. The school may ask for a doctor excuse if the student’s staying inside during noon hour is continuous.
-Play areas: south of school on grass, blacktop east of school. No playing west of the school building. No playing north of the south school door.
-Refrain from interfering in another game that is being played.
-Stop play at the bell and line up quickly and quietly.
-Children may play flag football but they may not play tackle football. All football games are to be played on the grass unless it is too wet.
-All soccer games must be played on the grass unless it’s too wet.
7. During Lunch, the student will……
-Remain seated unless given special permission to do otherwise.
-Refrain from throwing anything (food, lunch bags, etc.)
-Refrain from taking any other student’s food.
-Talk in a quiet conversational tone and refrain from shouting across the room.
-Follow directions when given by the adult(s) in charge and speak respectfully when addressing them.
-If the student cannot eat all that is packed in his/her lunch, the child will be asked to take it home and not to throw it away. This will keep parents informed about what their child is eating for lunch.
-Expected to show appropriate table manners.
As the student freely chooses one form of behavior over another, he/she must learn to accept the consequences of that chosen behavior. The student who chooses specific actions which violate the rights of the school community must be dealt with in Christian justice.
Procedures for correcting lack of self-discipline will follow this sequence as a normal rule:
Each classroom teacher will deal with the day to day small discipline difficulties that arise with consequences such as loss of recess or privileges.
A student will be sent to the Principal when his/her unacceptable behavior is not improving or becomes more serious.An after school detention may be given.Detention after school never occurs without prior notification of the parents.
After a student serves four detentions, a conference will be set up consisting of teacher, parent, student and principal to develop a plan for improved behavior.
Temporary suspension.This measure is used in extreme cases.When suspension is necessary because of a very serious offense, the parents will be contacted and the child will be sent home.The child will not return to school until a settlement has been made with child, parents, and school administration.The following are considered serious offenses:
A. Open defiance or striking a person in authority.
B. Repeated use of profane, indecent, or foul language.
C. Serious or continuous destruction of property.
D. Leaving the premises without permission of the principal.
E. Persistent fighting, bullying, disregard for classroom policy, or disregard for
School policy.
F. Any other violation determined by the Principal to be a serious offense.
Indefinite suspension or expulsion (permanent).This measure is used when a good and just cause is determined by the Principal.
Bullying, harassment or intimidation means any of the following: Any intentional written, verbal, electronic (cyber-bullying), physical act, or any other similar behavior that a student has exhibited toward another particular student more than once which:
1. Causes physical or emotional harm to the target or damage to the target’s property
2. Places another student in reasonable fear of harm or of damage to property
3. Creates a hostile environment at school for another student
4. Infringes on the rights of another student at school
5. Disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school or classroom and alters the conditions of another student’s education
6. Is a form of “retaliation” meaning any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment directed against a student who reports any misconduct, provides information during an investigation of bullying, witnesses or has reliable information about bullying
7. Is considered electronic bullying (cyber-bullying) meaning bullying through the use of
technology or any electronic communication, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, or data of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by:
a) Wire, radio, electromagnetics, photo-electronic or photo-optical system, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, internet communications, instant messages or facsimile communications
b) The creation of a web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person or knowingly impersonates another person as author of posted content or messages, if the creation or impersonation creates any of the conditions enumerated in the definition of bullying
c) The distribution by electronic means of a communication to more than one person or the posting of material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons, if the distribution or posting creates any of the conditions enumerated in the definition of bullying
Bullying is Prohibited:
1. On school grounds owned, leased or used by a school or on property immediately adjacent to school grounds
2. At any school-sponsored or related activity, function or program whether on or off school grounds
3. At a school bus stop, on a school bus or any other vehicle owned, leased or used by the school
4. Through the use of technology or electronic device owned, leased or used by a school
5. Through the use of technology or an electronic device not owned, leased or used by a
school if the act or acts in question:
a. Create a hostile environment at school for the target
b. Infringe on the rights of the target at school
c. Materially and substantially disrupt the education process or the orderly operation of a school
Bullying, harassment or intimidation will not to be tolerated at St. Francis Xavier School.
Dress Code
We believe it is the responsibility of every student to take pride in himself/herself and in the school and always dress in accordance with the dress code without being reminded to do so. We expect that parents will offer the first and best counsel to their sons and daughters in this matter and recognize that the student shares in this responsibility. It is the joint responsibility of the classroom teacher and the school administration, along with the full cooperation of the parents to enforce this dress code. Furthermore, SFX School is committed to educating students to understand that self-expression is best illustrated by the quality of one’s character which can be revealed through behavior and attitudes. We are keenly aware of the impact that student attire has on these attitudes and behavior. Our desire is to foster a respectful environment where individuals are appreciated for themselves, not for their apparent social, economic or peer group status.
It is the responsibility of parents and students to take pride in our school by dressing appropriately to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning.
General Regulations to the uniform dress code which apply to all students:
Slacks: Navy blue, black, gray or khaki, hemmed, worn at the waist, no designs on pants. Cargo pants and carpenter pants are acceptable. No blue jeans. NO slim fit pants (tight fitting).
Shirts: Any solid colored collar shirt (polo, blouse, dress shirt). Shirts underneath must be solid colored.
Vests are allowed.
Jumpers, skirts, skorts: Navy blue, black, gray or khaki, no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
Dresses: Any solid colored polo dress is acceptable, no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
Shoes: TENNIS SHOES ONLY! (Shoes should not go above the ankle, high top tennis shoes are acceptable.) Shoes that slip on or Sperry shoes are NOT acceptable!
No make-up should be worn or brought to school (this includes face glitter).
No undergarments (i.e. camis or boxers) showing.
No body piercings except for ears.
No unnatural hair color (purple, pink, etc)
Non-marring rubber soled shoes must be worn for physical education class or a student may not participate.
Hooded sweatshirts MAY NOT be worn during school Mass or in the classroom.
In cold weather, for warmth in the classroom, students should wear a sweater or fleece over regular school clothing. The only fleece that is allowed is one purchased through the school office with the school logo. When there is snowy weather, students should wear a pair of boots for outside wear along with a warm coat, hat and gloves.
Warm Weather Clothing:
First day of school until October 31st and April 1st until the end of the school year.
Shorts: Navy blue or khaki, hemmed, worn at the waist, must come to the knee (girls will need to wear Bermuda shorts so they are of an acceptable length).
Capri’s: Navy blue or khaki, hemmed, worn at the waist.
Birthday or "Dress Down Day" Clothing:
Students are permitted to wear clothing of their choice on their birthday or half-birthday (or whenever their classroom decides to celebrate summer birthdays) if they have a summer birthday. Shirts should have appropriate wording and the length of shorts, dresses, and skirts should agree with the dress code. No halter tops or spaghetti straps are allowed. Tank top sleeves must be at least 2 inches in width. If the student’s birthday falls on a school Mass day, the student is asked to choose a different day to dress down or change after Mass. NO YOGA PANTS! NO FLIP FLOPS!
The purpose of homework is the enrichment and reinforcement of the learning that has begun in the classroom. It may be written, study, research, memory work, or a project type assignment. Learning is a continuous process, and since repetition and practice are factors of learning, it is beneficial to do a certain amount of work at home. By this means, parents, who are the chief teachers of their children, are able to become involved in the child’s learning experience.
Children will be given assignments to complete at home on a regular basis. The time allowance for each grade level is as follows:
Grades K-2 A maximum of 30 min. per night
A maximum of 60 min. per night
A maximum of 90 min. per night
Because children are unique, some require more time than others to assimilate knowledge and skills. For this reason, homework time will vary to the child’s ability.
Parents can contribute greatly to the practice of daily study by providing a set time and place in the home. Students should be getting needed sleep so that he/she is rested and ready for school the next day. For additional suggestions in helping your child at home, please confer with the teacher. To derive maximum benefits for your child, confer with the teacher regularly.
Bus Transportation
Children attending St. Francis Xavier are eligible for bus transportation through the public school district in which they live. The same standards for distance for public school transportation apply to our students’ transportation. Contact the school district in which you reside to find out the particulars about your child’s busing. For further assistance contact Willard City Schools.
Students disembark and board school buses in the south-east corner of the high school parking lot. One teacher serves as a safety patrol as the students board a bus at school dismissal.
Some Rules for Riding the School Bus:
-Sit quietly, talk softly, and keep arms and legs out of the aisle.
-No big, heavy objects may be carried on the bus.
-No eating or drinking on the bus.
-No chewing gum.
-No live animals, firearms, or dangerous objects may be carried on a bus.
-No talking at Railroad crossings.
-Get permission before opening a window.
-Students wishing to ride other than their regular bus may be denied this privilege if the bus is crowded.
-Students may be suspended from transportation privileges if not following the bus rules and/or the instructions of the bus driver.
Students are permitted to ride bicycles to school. Students must park bikes in the rack provided. Bicycles may not be used during the school day. Violations of safety and school rules after a first warning will result in the student being deprived of the right to ride a bicycle to school.
Skateboards can be used as transportation to and from school. Skateboards will be parked in the school office. They will not be permitted to be used during recess to play with. Also skateboards cannot be used until after the child crosses Perry St. when going home.
Field Trips
Field trips are extensions of curricular learning experiences outside of the school. Field trip plans and arrangements are under the direction of the classroom teacher with administrative approval. Students must have a field trip permission slip on file in the office to participate in any field trip. The classroom teacher is in charge of the field trip. Student cell phones are prohibited on all field trips (excluding Washington D.C.). Pictures from field trips that contain other students may not be posted anywhere on the Web.
If parents should have a concern or problem related to the school environment, they should contact the authority most directly involved in the situation before summoning a higher authority. For example, if there is a classroom learning or discipline problem, the first person to contact is the classroom teacher. If satisfactory results are not obtained, the proceeding order of contact is the principal and then the pastor.
What Parents Can Expect of Teachers
It is the responsibility of the teacher to provide a learning environment and meaningful learning experiences. In addition, the teacher must see that students make progress and that their parents are informed of such progress or lack of it. The major method of communication between the teacher and parent is in the form of the on line grade book and a report card. Parents can expect their child’s teacher to formulate fair classroom policies (approved by the principal/ director) and to support and enforce all school policies. Parents can expect that teachers will protect their child’s reputation and practice professional integrity by discussing their child’s needs only with the proper staff members.
What Teachers Can Expect of Parents
Teachers can expect that parents will be supportive of them at all times. In the event of a question, a concern or a disagreement, a parent must contact the teacher for clarification. Each teacher is entitled to respect as an educator as well as to his/her good name and reputation in the community. Teachers can expect parents to assist them in their dealings with students and to volunteer their services when classroom/school needs arise. It is fair for the teachers to ask parents to be realistic in their demands, remembering that teachers spend several hours a day in planning and grading.
What Teachers and Parents Can Expect of Students
Students can be expected to know and abide by all school and classroom policies. Each student has the responsibility to behave in a way that enhances the learning situation for all students. This implies self-discipline proportionate to his/her age and grade level. Students must accept the fact that learning is their responsibility and not that of their parents or teachers.
Telephone Calls
-Contacting teachers or principal: Please leave a message with the office if the teacher or principal is not immediately available. She/He will return your call before or after school.
-Contacting students: Only urgent telephone messages will be delivered to students during the school day.
-Students’ Use of Phone: Students may use the office phone in case of emergency and only with the permission of the teacher, principal, or secretary.
Hot Lunches
Hot Lunches are available at St. Francis Xavier School. The price depends on the price set by Willard City Schools. Free and reduced lunches are available to students who complete an application form and whose family income falls within the state guidelines. Applications are available in the school office. Milk is available for purchase at school for lunch.
Care for Property
Respect for and the care of property are two essential habits and marks of good citizenship that students should acquire. Students or their parents are financially responsible for any destruction of property.
School Pictures
Each fall and spring children have their pictures taken. Parents have the opportunity to purchase a set of the child’s pictures. Buying pictures is optional.
Lost and Found
Clearly mark your child’s name on all clothing, boots, gym bag, etc. All items that are found are placed in the lost and found box near the office. Valuable items will be kept in the office. At the end of the school year, all unclaimed articles will be given to charity.
Visitors are always welcome at St. Francis Xavier School. All visitors must check in at the school office upon arrival at the North entrance. Lunches, books, etc., should be taken to the office and not to the child in the classroom, so as to avoid class interruptions.
Church Collection Envelopes
Envelopes are available in every classroom and in the Parish office for students’ use.
Starting in the fall of the 4th Grade, boys/girls may sign up to learn to serve Mass. After sufficient training, boys/girls in Grades 4-6 can sign up in the Parish Office to be added to the serving schedule.
In case of emergency, if he/she cannot serve at his/her scheduled time, the server is responsible to find a substitute server.
Fire and Tornado Precautions
Fire drills are practiced and recorded at least once each month during the school year. Tornado drills are also held periodically.
Items Not Permitted At School
For a variety of reasons, such as safety and good order, certain items are not permitted at school. These items include, but are not limited to the following:
1) trading cards (baseball, etc.), 2) hard balls (baseballs, etc.), 3) wooden or metal bats, 4) weapons and/or look-alikes including pocket knives.
Anyone bringing these items to school will forfeit them to the administration until a parent comes to pick them up.
Cell Phone/Ipods Policy
Use of cell phones/Ipods at St. Francis Xavier School is prohibited. If a student needs to bring a cell phone/Ipod to school for use before and after school, it must remain in their backpack during the school day. St. Francis Xavier School can not be held responsible for any damage. At no time should a student call or text a teacher. Cell phones are prohibited on all field trips (excluding Washington D.C.).
Search and Seizure
For the safety and protection of all students within their care and custody, certified staff members have the privilege to search for and seize weapons or other dangerous or illegal objects, if they have reasonable grounds to believe that such are in the possession of the pupil, especially where the pupil has no reasonable expectation of privacy: e.g., lockers, closets, desks, coats, books, bookbags, etc. Thus, anything brought onto the school premises by a student (in a car, in a bookbag, on the person) is subject to search.
Extended Day Care
Extended Day Care is available on days when school is in session from 2:30 until 6:00 p.m. The cost is $3.00 an hour for 1 child, $5.50 for two children, $8.00 for three children and $9.50 for four children. The hourly cost doubles after 6 p.m.
If a child is not picked up from school by 2:40 p.m., the child will go to Day Care until the parent arrives. Parents will be billed for this service.
Balances must be taken care of by the end of each quarter. Any child with a Day Care balance at the end of a quarter will not be allowed to stay in Day Care until the balance is paid.
Birthday and Birthday Parties
Children may bring a treat to school for their birthday. Please remember that birthday treats are not mandatory and that they should remain simple so that it does not take up valuable classroom time.
Invitations to birthday parties may only be handed out if the entire class is invited. If you’re only having certain children over for a party, please mail these invitations yourself.
Academic Honors Program
Each quarter students who have met certain criteria may receive one of the following awards: Honor Roll, Merit Roll, and/or Perfect Attendance.
Merit Roll: This award is for children in Gr. 3-6. A child must have all A’s and B’s on their grade card.
Honor Roll: This award is for children in Gr. 3-6. A child must have all A’s on their grade card.
Perfect Attendance: This award is for all children in Gr. K-6. A Perfect Attendance Award will be awarded to students who have not been tardy or absent. “Excellence in Attendance Award” is recognition to those students who have NO MORE than 1 tardy and/or day absence for an entire year.
Internet Safety Policy
The Technology Coordinator or designated representatives will provide age-appropriate training for students who use the St. Francis Xavier School’s Internet facilities. The training provided will be designed to promote St. Francis Xavier School’s commitment to:
The standards and acceptable use of Internet services as set forth in the St. Francis Xavier School’s Internet Safety policy;
Student safety with regard to:
Safety on the Internet
Appropriate behavior while online, on social networking Web site, and in chat rooms; and
Cyber bullying awareness and response.
Compliance with the E-rate requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act
Internet Access Policy
Successful operation of the building network facilities requires use of Internet resources be consistent with the St. Francis Xavier School stated mission, goals, and objectives. All of the rules that apply to student conduct in school also apply when the students are off campus on field trips. The Internet offers many opportunities for virtual field trips to distant locations. It is important that students realize they act as ambassadors for their school in such encounters, and our policy states this explicitly.
It is the policy of St. Francis Xavier School to (a) prevent user access over its computer network to, or transmission of, inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and (d) comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act [Pub.L.No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)].
The following guidelines are provided so that everyone is aware of personal responsibilities. Any user in violation of these provisions may have his or her account terminated and future access could be denied in accordance with the rules and regulations discussed during Internet training sessions. Key terms are as defined in the Children’s Internet Protection Act.
To gain access to the Internet, all students of St. Francis Xavier School must obtain parental permission. The signature(s) on the Internet Acceptable Use Policy Agreement document is (are) legally binding and indicate(s) the party (parties) who signed has (have) read the terms and conditions carefully and understand(s) their significance.
Internet – Terms and Conditions
1. A USER is defined as any student, faculty, or staff member that uses the technology resources at St. Francis Xavier School.
2. The network is provided to conduct research and communicate with others. Access to network services is given to users who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege – not a right – that entails responsibility. Inappropriate use will result in a suspension or cancellation of Internet privileges. The system administrators, after consultation with the Pastor and/or Principal will deem what is inappropriate use, and their decision is final.
3. The system administrators will make every attempt to honor privacy. There is an acknowledged trade off between privacy and the need to gather information insuring system integrity and responsible use of the system. A log may be kept of all Internet use by students, faculty, staff and administration.
4. The school administration, faculty, and/or staff may request the system administrator to deny, revoke, or suspend specific user accounts.
5. Users are expected to abide by generally accepted rules of network etiquette and conduct themselves in a responsible, ethical, and polite manner while online. Disruptive or disturbing behavior, use of vulgar, obscene or bigoted language or materials will be handled as disciplinary issues.
6. Users are not permitted to use the computing resources for commercial purposes, product advertising, or political campaigning.
7. Users are not permitted to transmit, receive and/or submit, or publish any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, offensive, cyberbullying or illegal materials.
8. To the extent practical, technology protection measures (or “Internet filters”) shall be used to block or filter Internet, or other forms of electronic communications, access to inappropriate information. Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, blocking shall be applied to visual depictions of material deemed obscene or child pornography, or to any material deemed harmful to minors. Subject to staff supervision, technology protection measures may be disabled or, in the case of minors, minimized only for bonafide research or other lawful purposes.
9. Physical or electronic tampering with computer resources is not permitted. Intentionally damaging computers, computer systems, operating systems, or computer networks will result in cancellation of privileges.
10. To the extent practical, steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users of the St. Francis Xavier School online computer network when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, and other forms of direct electronic communications. Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection act, prevention of inappropriate network usage includes: (a) unauthorized access, including so-called ‘hacking,’ and other unlawful activities; and (b) unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.
11. Users must respect all copyright laws that protect software owners, artists, and writers. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated.
12. Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users.
a. Users should notify a system administrator if a problem or potential bypass of security systems is detected. Users should demonstrate the problem to others.
b. Using someone else’s password or trespassing in another’s folders, work, or files is prohibited.
c. Attempts to logon to the Internet as someone else may result in cancellation of user privileges.
13. St. Francis Xavier School makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. St. Francis Xavier School assumes no responsibility or liability for any phone charges, line costs nor usage fees, nor for any damages a user may suffer. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by one’s own negligence or user errors, or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the user’s own risk. St. Francis Xavier School specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.
14. Exemplary behavior is expected on ‘virtual’ field trips. When ‘visiting’ locations on the Internet or using communication tools, users must conduct themselves as representatives of their school. They must abide by the rules/policies of any sites they ‘visit’. Conduct that is in conflict with responsibilities outlined in this document will lose network privileges.
15. Network systems administration may update technology use policies when new or changing technology warrants.
16. Students will not download large files unless absolutely necessary. If necessary, the file(s) will be downloaded at a time when the system is not being heavily used before or after school hours.
17. Internet users are not permitted to display, download, or save: executable (.exe) files incl. Media players, MP3 files, Internet e-mail, instant messengers, games or music videos.
18. It shall be the responsibility of all members of the St. Francis Xavier School staff to supervise and monitor usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy and the Children’s Internet Protection Act.
19. Signed acceptable use forms will be kept on file.
Any violation(s) may result in a loss of computer access, as well as other disciplinary or legal action. Users are considered subject to all local, state and federal laws.
Principal’s Discretion
The Parent/Student Handbook states the general academic and disciplinary policies and procedures. Because they are general, the use of discretion is often necessary. The ultimate interpretation and decision-making must rest with the principal and pastor.